Quick update! This weekend I went to see the Narita Taiko Festival (成田太鼓祭り). To be honest, I didn't get to see as much taiko drumming as I did
last year, but I still had a fantastic time nonetheless. Much of my duration at the festival was spent fooling around with friends - but perhaps that's what festivals are for in the first place!
Anyway, here's a mini photo overview of my trip to the taiko festival:
Fantastic weather really drew out the crowds. |
千年夜舞台, or torchlit drum performance Saturday evening. |
Celebrity spotting! |
The photo's a bit blurry, but the two guys in the navy blue hoodies are none other than the comedian duo
Taka and Toshi! There were a bunch of other TV talents there as well (that I'd seen on TV before but can't name them because they aren't as popular), because I'm pretty sure they were recording a variety show. I didn't feel starstruck or anything, but it was cool to come across some celebs!
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